Eight CSS Tips for Advanced Layouts and Effects


The realm of web front-end development has made considerable progress over the last few years. However, the web front-end, as the users see it, is still the same: HTML markup styled with CSS. Many …

Eight Rules for Effective Software Production


During the course of my career, I’ve participated in multiple real life software projects and observed how things are done on all levels: decision making, practices adoption, team building, …

Fix display size on libvirt/Qemu guest


Lot of times I find myself of VM that does not correctly resize the screen display and that is literally nuisance. So, here is quick and dirty fix for this. First you need to find out information …

Getting Started with Elixir Programming Language


If you have been reading blog posts, hacker news threads, your favorite developers tweets or listening to podcasts, at this point you’ve probably heard about the Elixir programming language. The …

Fix weird flux menu


Some distro’s just add all the items under single menu and thus the menu itself becomes unusable because of the number of items in the submenu and this I did not like and hence ceated this simply …

scapy packet dump to packet


First you need to have scapy installed. And if you don’t know about scapy, then […] Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide …

Windows Vs Linux – One more time


Image via Wikipedia […] One of the most written and commented articles has to be Linux vs Windows (of course there are competitors like vim vs emacs) but none has been covered so much as Linux …

Celebrating 25 Years of Linux Kernel Development


Linux is now 25 years old, but it’s no hipster. It’s not chasing around Pokemon, and it’s not moving back in with its parents due to crippling student debt. In fact, Linux is still growing and …

Fedora – change from one edition to some other


You will need to install convert-to-edition, description […] Name : convert-to-edition Arch : noarch Epoch : 0 Version : 25 Release : 1 Size : 9.7 k Repo : fedora Summary : Script for …

flatpak – get latest libreoffice


flatpak is tool similar to 0install. You can find more details here.

Happy Holi


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