better bash debugging
I was trying to debug some bash scripts yesterday and learnt something new 😉 There are lot of things in bash that you can use to debug and to start with you can enable xtrace mode as follows: set -x …
ss – utility to investigate sockets.
Sometimes, you find some interesting application/command by accident, and that is just what happened a few days back. Well, I was doing a ssh and as usual made my share of mistake in typing and missed …
[Solved] ssh works but scp does not
Image via Wikipedia […] For quite sometime now, I was having this issue, that for the home system, I was able to connect to is using ssh but it never worked. Fnally after quite some debugging …
Screenshot of Gnome3 with awn
Here is another screenshot of my laptop desktop with Gnome 3 and AWN (Avant window Navigator) running. Looks beautiful, isn’t it? […]
bash completion
I was working on some functions in bash to make my life easier and realized that if I added custom completion to my functions, it will be really good. So I headed over to google and searched for what …
faster bash operations on files with File Descriptors.
I was writing a bash script that would do some operations and read and write to file. Seems that that was pretty simple with […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> while …
Unix shell script for removing duplicate files
The following shell script finds duplicate (2 or more identical) files and outputs a new shell script containing commented-out rm statements for deleting them (copy-paste from here): ::: updated on 02 …
Terminating a SSH session after starting background process.
This is too good. If you are planning to start a background process in the bash script in the background and continue in the script, you cannot do it until……. You would need to close the stdout/stdin …
client lanman auth is disabled error for samba
The error: […] Server requested LANMAN password (share-level security) but ‘client lanman auth’ is disabled […] is easily fixable. You just need to tell samba that client lanman auth is …

vmstat – what it is and how to use?
Image via Wikipedia […] vmstat provides a summary of various functions within the system, including system wide free memory, paging counters, summarized disk activity, system calls and cpu …
10 Useful Sar (Sysstat) Examples for UNIX / Linux Performance Monitoring
by Ramesh Natarajan on March 29, 2011 Using sar you can monitor performance of various Linux subsystems (CPU, Memory, I/O..) in real time. Using sar, you can also collect all performance data on an …
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Support on Linux-use empathy to login to IRC….
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Support on Linux Installing Linux has become effortless to the extent that anyone with a little knowledge of computers can get a Linux machine up and running instantly. …