Ubuntu – Really force remove a package.
I was trying to remove a package on one of the Ubuntu installations the other day and was not able to do so. I tried google and tried all the options mentioned in various forums like “-f”, purge, …
snmpd -verify if the mibs are loaded.
If you are setting up the snmpd server and have added your own mibs and do not really know if the mibs are loaded or not then simply go to the directory: /var/lib/net-snmp/mib-indexes This can save …
Music players on Linux – the poor mans random song player.
If you have more applications running on your system then your system can handle them then you know what I mean when I say that the Music Players take a lot of CPU. Otherwise harmless, but when you …
Ignore CVS and svn directories in bash autocompletion.
CVS and SVN directories are something that really cause lot of un-necessary nuisance. So, simple solution just ignore them 🙂
convert word document to html
First install the required package: sudo yum install wv Description: […] And here is the list of the programs that this utility provides: /usr/bin/wvAbw /usr/bin/wvCleanLatex /usr/bin/wvConvert …
symlinks -delete all invalid soft links in Linux/Fedora
First of all, install symlinks if it is not installed : sudo yum install symlinks and here is the description: […] and the help for the same: […] symlinks: scan/change symbolic links – …
unable to browse windows network with samba4
I use Fedora 17 on my work laptop and thus need to connect to windows share sometimes. After I upgraded to Fedora 17 some time, I was unable to browse the windows network. I would get all kind of …
pigz -parallel gzip
Here is a short description of pigz: […] pigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores …

visio support comes to Linux with loads of new features of LibreOffice.
LibreOffice 3.5 was released few days back with loads of features and improvements. Most bragged about feature should be capability to read visio diagrams. You can read the full list of features here. …

cream bash ide – vim with bash support
[…] Here you can find the cream editor. This is basically vim editor with lots of customizations thus making it simpler for the users to use the editor directly. This version already has the …

Setup your own RFC Editor for Linux.
Well, if you are a professional who has to keep referring to RFC, then you know how good it would be to have the RFC downloaded and kept in your computer. But then unless you can search it and use and …
Backup of files in the directory.
I was working on some scripts and the changes that I was making in the scripts was very dynamic, which I did want to keep backing up in the version control system. But for the peace of my mind, I …