cvs add files recursively – not already in repository
When you have a lot of files in some repository and you have added a couple of new, in CVS there is no command to add just the new ones to the repository, so here is a workaround for that. cvs status …
Code beautifier for php
If you would like to beautify your php scripts, then you can use the beautifier available at :
Home grown mail scheduler with bash script and cron
If you are using Linux (Fedora/Ubuntu or anything else) then you do get a lot of tools and one of them is cron. Very very useful. Just write some script that can do the task for you, put it in cron …
force recheck on reboot – fsck
If you want to force a fsck re-check on reboot, then just touch /forcefsck Related articles Set some disk params to be safe Improve Boot Performance Ext4

find more information on ext2/3/4 filesystem
In my previous post on check filesystem regurlarly, I mentioned tune2fs. That tool give quite a lot of information. But just in case, you did not find what you are looking for in the output, then you …
findmnt – find all the mounts and their source
If you are looking for the source of a mount and the various options used in the mount, then the quickest way to get that is :: findmnt By default, with no parameters, it lists all the mounts in a …
Find directory/file with inode number
Couple of days back, I was getting the following error: […] Directory inode 2362521 has an unallocated block #245823. Allocate? […] And this continued for hours together and I was in a …
Set some disk params to be safe
It is always “Better safe than sorry” so, here are some things you should do.. First check fstab, if you have partitions other than root then use UUID instead of device: …
Delete all but some directories
I think, like me, you would have faced a lot of situations, where you wanted to delete all the files or directories in a location, leaving only the required files/directories. So, I have a directory …
LibreOffice – Formulae Auditing
If you have a excel sheet with lot of formula’s and you are trying to audit them, then a simple solution is to press “ctrl+`” (i.e. control key with back tick). This will put the excel sheet in …
procmail filters – apply to received mails.
If you already have some mail in your maildir and you have set procmail filters, then it is difficult to apply the procmail filter, right? Not so, you just need to go to the Inbox directory and then …
Manage your servers the easy way with perl script over ssh with no remote client.
For a long time I have not posted any script. So, its not that I have not written anything new, but just that did not put them here in lack of time. So, here is one interesting one. The original idea …