vim autocomplete – automagically without tab.
Lets first do the setup in one line. Get my vim script downloader. Use the script to add the script with script ID : :1879 (vim-autocomplpop) to your list of plugins for vim and you are done. If you …

Introducing /run – what is this directory doing in my root directory?
Image via Wikipedia […] There is a suggestion to add /run directory that will be mounted as tmpfs. This directory will be mounted early in the boot process and …
Easy ssh configuration with .ssh/config file
If you ssh to many hosts then you are aware of the pain that it takes to ssh with different username and hostname. There is an alias that you can creat with native ssh though. Here I will show you the …
Slackware Linux 13.37 RC 3.1415926535897932384626433832
Slackware released the next version a few days back and guess the complete name : Slackware Linux 13.37 RC 3.1415926535897932384626433832. You must be crazy to tell the complete version to anyone. …
Try all colors in xterm with script before setting the color
If you are looking for testing the colors on how they would look like in the xterm before you set the color then here is a small script for you. […] <td> <div class="text …
what is vim in 6Kb..
If you thought that vim is very bloated and nothing abuot this editor can be small, then you are not alone. I was myself in the same bandwagon. Well, I never thought that there could be anything about …

cd across parallel directories
Image via Wikipedia […] Here is a simple and fast way to cd across parallel directory.
All in one solution for all the scripts of vim from
For quite sometime now, I was looking for some console based program which would help me get the scripts from A simple solution would have been to do a wget for the scripts. But since there …
configuration for afraid-dyndns on Fedora and other similar distro.
First install afraid-dyndns with the command: […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> sudo yum install afraid-dyndns </div> </td> </tr> Now open the …
print every nth line
Some time back I was working with lot of data and wanted to analyze only the every 10 line sometimes and sometimes every 20th line. I had to keep doing these changes in vim or otherwise so finally I …
/bash debugger
In this section we’ll develop a very basic debugger for bash.[10] Most debuggers have numerous sophisticated features that help a programmer in dissecting a program, but just about all of them include …
Using ssmtp to send mail using gmail.
First install the package ssmtp using the command: […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> sudo yum install ssmtp </div> </td> </tr> Open the …