
Your own local search engine.
There are times when you would want to have a local search engine capable of indexing even pdf and doc files. So here is a solution. You can use “Omega” and here are the instructions. download omega …

Setup your own RFC Editor for Linux.
Well, if you are a professional who has to keep referring to RFC, then you know how good it would be to have the RFC downloaded and kept in your computer. But then unless you can search it and use and …
Using file partially for filenames
There are some commands that take file name and there are some case where you need to give file name. But there are some cases where you want to modify the file before passing it to the command. What …
Benchmarking the system/CPU performance
Have you ever wanted to have a quick check on your CPU performance. I know that lot of people will say that this is not the right way to do this, but here is something that you can use to check the …
BASH Script Performace
Today we will look at some bash code snippests and the performance issues. Lets first look at the problem and the implemented solution: Problem: We needed to log the output of the ps command for all …
Rekursive Grep on Solaris or AIX Systems without GNU egrep -r funcionality
If you work regularly on a Solaris or systems which do not have the “-r” (recursive grep) for grep, then you know what a lifesaver this command can be. Here is one from command line fu: find . -type f …
Backup of files in the directory.
I was working on some scripts and the changes that I was making in the scripts was very dynamic, which I did want to keep backing up in the version control system. But for the peace of my mind, I …
Linux hardware details.
Here is one of the scripts that I found on the net while searching for something … Note the URL for the script in the Description.
Add ssh key to remote host
Image via Wikipedia […] If you are working on recent versions of the *nix OS like Fedora or Ubuntu then you would know about the commad ssh-copy-id. But if you land up using one of the older …
Compare files excluding certain lines.
Quick tip, you can use any expression for the sed commands in the (). With this trick you can redirect the stdout of 2 commands to the diff command. This might become very useful, if you want to …
Cont: Get yourself some more conkyrc files.
Last time we got ourselves some conkyrc files from the ubuntu forums. But that scripts gets the files only from the First page of the thread. Lets extend this further and get the script to get all the …
Script to get yourself some conkyrc files
Continuing from where we left, here is a script that can do all this for you 🙂 curl http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865\&page=$i | sed -n '/\\/pr/ p'| sed '// d'| sed …