unable to browse windows network with samba4
I use Fedora 17 on my work laptop and thus need to connect to windows share sometimes. After I upgraded to Fedora 17 some time, I was unable to browse the windows network. I would get all kind of …
Upgrade to Fedora 17 from 16.
As usual time in couple of days to upgrade to Fedora 17. Release schedule is for 05/22 and so its just around the corner. So, if you are looking at upgrading using yum, then make sure that you visit …
Display X applications from virtual terminals
Here is a script that can help you set the proper envirionment to start a gnome-shell from one of the terminals. #!/bin/bash - …
colors in bash scripts
I have been trying to understand the color codes for bash for a pretty long time, but somehow never got time to understand this clearly. So this time around when I was writing a script to analyze some …
systemadm – simpler way to manage the service files for systemd
Once the systemd unit and service files have come into being, understanding of the system services have changed a little bit and it might require some time to understand the cli tools for managing …

Your own local search engine.
There are times when you would want to have a local search engine capable of indexing even pdf and doc files. So here is a solution. You can use “Omega” and here are the instructions. download omega …
uptimed – keep track of your system uptime.
Uptimed is an up time record daemon keeping track of the highest up times the system ever had. Uptimed has the ability to inform you of records and milestones though syslog and e-mail, and comes with …
pigz -parallel gzip
Here is a short description of pigz: […] pigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores …

cream bash ide – vim with bash support
[…] Here you can find the cream editor. This is basically vim editor with lots of customizations thus making it simpler for the users to use the editor directly. This version already has the …

Setup your own RFC Editor for Linux.
Well, if you are a professional who has to keep referring to RFC, then you know how good it would be to have the RFC downloaded and kept in your computer. But then unless you can search it and use and …
Check out all the colors on you X window system.
If you ever wondered what combination of some colors would look like but did not really feel like setting them in your xterm just to check them out. Or if you wanted to know about all the colors on …
glances – Get a glimpse of the whole system
You would have used top at some point of time. Did you not wish that instead of just the processes it list all the vital statistics of the system as a whole. How good it would be to see the Memory, …