snmpd -verify if the mibs are loaded.
If you are setting up the snmpd server and have added your own mibs and do not really know if the mibs are loaded or not then simply go to the directory: /var/lib/net-snmp/mib-indexes This can save …
using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.
Found this great page and thought of sharing this: http://www.sharms.org/blog/2012/08/using-iterm-2-themes-with-gnome-terminal/ When using this, you will need to install : …

script for changing gnome-terminal color schemes.
Earlier I had posted this. So, if you want to try all of these schemes, then you need not have to copy paste the schemes from the web page, you can try the below script. # function idleToes() { …
gnome-terminal color schemes.
I was looking for a way to set the terminal colors for gnome. There is a GUI way to change the same by going to the Preferences->Colors. And then you can change the colors that you see in the color …
Different bottom panel for gnome3.
If you miss the bottom panel on gnome3, the do give tint2 a try. Here is how this looks (by default). […]

procinfo and procinfo-ng : Get system information from /proc.
Install procinfo or procinfo-ng. The procinfo contains three programs : /usr/bin/lsdev /usr/bin/procinfo /usr/bin/socklist and procinfo-ng contains :: /usr/bin/procinfo-ng The description for both of …
Music players on Linux – the poor mans random song player.
If you have more applications running on your system then your system can handle them then you know what I mean when I say that the Music Players take a lot of CPU. Otherwise harmless, but when you …
colorgcc – Color your compiler output on Fedora
Lets start with installing colorgcc : sudo yum install colorgcc Now once that is done, you will need to ensure that the call to g++, gcc and others that you want to use, you will need to create a link …
convert word document to html
First install the required package: sudo yum install wv Description: […] And here is the list of the programs that this utility provides: /usr/bin/wvAbw /usr/bin/wvCleanLatex /usr/bin/wvConvert …
tora installation on Fedora 17.
Here are the previous links on Tora: Tora on F16 Tora on Fedora And if you are interested in installing from source then you can always use this link: …
rpmconf – Tool to handle rpmsave and rpmnew files
Install the utility: sudo yum install rpmconf Description: […] And finally run the utility: sudo rpmconf -a and if there is a conflict or rpmsave or rpmnew file, then you will see something …
symlinks -delete all invalid soft links in Linux/Fedora
First of all, install symlinks if it is not installed : sudo yum install symlinks and here is the description: […] and the help for the same: […] symlinks: scan/change symbolic links – …