ldap search function
First you will need the ldap search utility. The client for ldap search comes in openldap-clients, so you need to install that first:
sudo yum install openldap-clients
Now, that you have installed it, try to find something in some open ldap server, example:
ldapsearch -LLL -h db.debian.org -x -b "dc=debian,dc=org" "cn=Joao*"
This should list couple of entries for you. Now, that you have ldapsearch working, lets define a function in .bashrc file:
ldaps () { ( ldapsearch -LLL -h $2 -x -p 389 -b "$3" "cn=*$1*" | awk -F: 'BEGIN { last = "NA" first = "NA" name = "NA" loc = "NA" state = "NA" postalcode = "NA" homephone = "NA" telephonenumber = "NA" mail = "NA" mobile = "NA" printf(" last,first,full name,work#,e-mail,phone3\n"); } /^sn: / {last=$2} /^givenName: / {first=$2} /^cn: / {name=$2} /^street: / {address=$2} /^l: / {loc=$2} /^st: / {state=$2} /^postalCode: / {postalcode=$2} /^homePhone: / {homephone=$2} /^telephoneNumber: / {telephonenumber=$2} /^mail: / {mail=$2} /^mobile: / {mobile=$2} /^dn/ { if(last != "" && first != "" && last != "StoogeAdmin") printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,,%s,%s\n",last,first,name,telephonenumber,mail,mobile) last = "NA" first = "NA" name = "NA" address = "NA" loc = "NA" state = "NA" postalcode = "NA" homephone = "NA" telephonenumber = "NA" mail = "NA" mobile = "NA" } # Capture last dn END { if(last != "" && first != "" ) printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,,%s,%s\n",last,first,name,telephonenumber,mail,mobile) }' ) | column -t -s ',' }
You might want to chagne few of the matches in the awk in the above script to suit your needs and then you can run this with :
ldaps "searh string" "search host" "search base"
Related Articles:
- 2010/11/15 OpenLDAP and SSL – some links

Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.