colorgcc – Color your compiler output on Fedora
366 words
2 mins read
Lets start with installing colorgcc :
sudo yum install colorgcc
Now once that is done, you will need to ensure that the call to g++, gcc and others that you want to use, you will need to create a link in the “~/bin” directory, like so:
for i in g++ gcc c++ cc do ln -s $(which colorgcc) ~/bin/$i done
The one liner above will create the links for colorgcc as **** your favourite compiler in your homedir. Don’t forget to add the bin diretory to your PATH variable:
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
And now finally the ~/.colorgccrc file taken from Ubuntu for your reference:
# # colorgcc configuration file # # $Id: colorgccrc,v 1999/04/25 15:24:03 jamoyers Exp $ # # This file should be named $HOME/.colorgccrc # # # The following groups of attributes may be combined for a given color: # # clear black on_black # reset red on_red # bold green on_green # underline yellow on_yellow # underscore blue on_blue # blink magenta on_magenta # reverse cyan on_cyan # concealed white on_white # # For example, srcColor: bold cyan on_yellow # # gccVersion: if defined, append "-" to the compiler paths # defined hereunder. Otherwise, those paths remains as is set # gccVersion: 4.1.1 # Define the paths to the actual location of the various compilers. # (Currently, colorgcc only understands these: g++ gcc c++ cc g77 f77 gcj) g++: /usr/bin/g++ gcc: /usr/bin/gcc c++: /usr/bin/g++ cc: /usr/bin/gcc #g77: /usr/bin/g77 #f77: /usr/bin/g77 #gcj: /usr/bin/gcj # Don't do color if our terminal type ($TERM) is one of these. # (List all terminal types on one line, seperated by whitespace.) nocolor: dumb emacs # Text between ` and ' is usually source code. srcColor: bold cyan # Text other than a warning or error. introColor: reset # Warnings and errors both have similar formats: # filename:999:Message # Each field may be assigned a different color. # Warnings warningFileNameColor: reset warningNumberColor: blue warningMessageColor: yellow # Errors errorFileNameColor: reset errorNumberColor: blue errorMessageColor: bold red # Possible translations, if you use localized compiler. # (List all translations on one line, seperated by whitespace.) warningTranslations: errorTranslations:
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.