Upgrade to Fedora 17 from 16.
169 words
1 min read
As usual time in couple of days to upgrade to Fedora 17. Release schedule is for 05/22 and so its just around the corner. So, if you are looking at upgrading using yum, then make sure that you visit this page.
There are some changes in latest version that will not allow you to upgrade without executing few commands manually and that page lists them. And if you are too brave and just want the steps and the command then here it is:
# sudo yum update dracut # dracut --force --add convertfs Change the following kernel commandline parameter directly in the bootloader menu, which is sh:own during bootup, or edit the line in /etc/grub*.cfg to remove ro and rhgb and append rw rd.in:fo rd.convertfs enforcing=0 # revert after reboot. # dmesg | grep dracut # yum --releasever=17 update rpm # rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__* # rpm --rebuilddb # yum --releasever=17 --disableplugin=presto --skip-broken distro-sync # fixfiles onboot
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Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.