and/or Excel useful tips.
Today I was working on Excel sheets and had to do quite a lot of manipulations. Here are some of those:
- Find the value of the cell whose number is stored in another cell.
You can use the indirect function.
Here is example:
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-959" title="indirect" src="" alt="indirect" width="354" height="98" />
That’s cool and easy.
- Indirect reference with some constant values.
You can add constant and cell id with ”&”
Again example:
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-960" title="indirect with constant" src="" alt="indirect with constant" width="187" height="92" />
- Data Validity.
Though I knew this but needed something to put on the post. I am quite lazy in writing so here’s something that is already available elsewhere. <a href="Here" target="_blank">Here.
- Avoid increment in cell id when doing copy paste.
Example again:
First I inserted ”=a1” in C1 and copied the same. Then selected C2 through C4 and did paste. Here is what will happen:
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-961" title="copy paste" src="" alt="copy paste" width="98" height="117" />
Now I inserted ”=$a$1” in C1 and copied the same. Then selected C2 through C4 and did paste. Here is what will happen:
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-962" title="copy and paste - 2" src="" alt="copy and paste - 2" width="120" height="118" />
Why would you want that.. your choice, I need in case of indirect function and for dragging the cells down.
I enter ”=INDIRECT(A1)” in C1 and then drag the same below and select formulae and here is the result:
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-963" title="Drag Formulae" src="" alt="Drag Formulae" width="168" height="186" />
enter ”=INDIRECT($A$1)” in C1 and then drag the same below and select formulae and here is the result:
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-964" title="Drag Formulae 2" src="" alt="Drag Formulae 2" width="196" height="192" />
See the difference.
And the last trick is to insert all the sheet names in the current sheet:
Hit Alt+F11
Pick your spreadsheet document and hit [New…]
Add the following code tho the new Basic module.
Function SHEETLIST()
SHEETLIST = ThisComponent.Sheets.getElementNames()
End Function
Array function =SHEETLIST() [Ctrl+Shift+Enter] puts a horizontal list of sheet names.
=TRANSPOSE(SHEETLIST()) does the trick vertically.
The above is taken from <a href="here" target="_blank">here and provided by Villeroy.

Authored By Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal, Linux and Photography are my hobbies.Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.